TR Equipement makes and distributes tactical and strategic products. Armorers, former special forces and swat team members ensure high quality and ergonomics of the equipments.
Graduated from the famous Gunsmith's school in Liège (Belgium), and after a 22 year-long experience in the military business and with the operational groups, Thierry ROGER worked for many different Gunsmith's shops, and then decided, in February 1997, to create his own company known as TR Equipement (Thierry ROGER Equipement).
- Belgium : bus and plane tactical shooting, Less Lethal DEFTEC.
- Austria : Gun GLOCK.
- Switzerland : NTTC gun and rifle instructor.
- USA : Bill ROGERS shooting school, NTTOA swat helico and tactical, Safariland school shooting.

Distributor of tactical products for the Police, the Gendarmerie, the Army and the Forces of Order, TR Equipement has the authorizations of sales and manufacture of weapons of war, optics and NBC protections via the DGA as well as a code NATO company.
A staff in continuous progress with more than 15 working people push this structure at the leading edge of the tactical domain :
- export
- administrative tenders
- accountancy
- purchases
- sedentary sales
- traveling sales
- technical sales
- warehousing merchandises
- marketing
- switchboard
- tactical training and consulting

Since 1997, the aim of TR Equipement has been to bring tactical quality products to army forces, law enforcement forces and administrations.
The first think of its manager since the creation of the company has always been to give importance to duty, seriousness, reactivity, for every customer. TR Equipement has know since it exists to grant itself a team of passionated specialists, listening to customer' s wills at every instant,
working in close partnership at the heart of special forces units to evaluate accurately their exact needs and the evolution of the products. TR Equipement has brought perfectly adapted equipments to missions, added a technical support, assistance and performant aftersales by :
- an every instant availability.
- technical and perfectly fitting the need answers.
This every instant will today allows TR Equipement to be a preferential interlocutor for units when they need special training or operational gear.

- Standard +33 (0)2 41 31 16 31.
- Accounting Department +33 (0) 2 41 31 16 36.
- Sales Department +33 (0) 2 41 34 38 39.
- Export Service +33 (0) 2 41 31 16 35.
- Public Market Service +33 (0) 2 41 34 38 38.
- Purchasing Department +33 (0) 2 41 31 16 37.
- Shipping Service +33 (0) 2 41 31 16 38.
- Communication Service +33 (0) 2 41 34 99 11.
- ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 certified.
- Authorization DGA N ° 91019, Ministry of the Interior N ° 1749017.
- TVA / VAT : FR46 411 152 424.
- SIRET : 411 152 424 00031.
- APE : 4669B.